Selva & Co Comercial
MX 984 803 2058
US 805 308 2900
Local located in Ciudad Mayakoba.

Local located in Ciudad Mayakoba.


In the heart of the Mayan Riviera, one of the areas with the greatest tourist expansion in the world and economic growth is developed. Ciudad Mayakoba develops residential, commercial and service areas which guarantees its added value and an organized integral growth.


SALE of Local Commercial Rentado to Chain Recognized with Forced Rent Agreement to 20 years


• 1 local Medical Services Area.

Price: $ 4,250,000 pesos

M2: 43.56m2

Yield: 10% annual rent 20 years (forced).

Contract Term: January 1, 2020 to 2040.




Property with a 20-year notarized lease.


ROI 10% for 20 years guaranteed by contract.


Payment of rent free of maintenance costs and administration expenses.


Investment under Property Regime in Condominium (Deed Property).


The Monthly Income is NET, without additional deductions for maintenance fees or administration expenses.


The Rent is paid monthly as of January 2020.


Income is increased annually according to INPC.




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